10 Quotes & Sayings By Simon Boylan

Simon Boylan is a Chartered Accountant by Profession and a Chartered Financial Analyst by Education. He has done a number of successful business startups over the years and has been involved in the online marketing industry for close to two decades. His personal blog, called "The Wealthy Accountant," is one of the most popular personal finance blogs in the world, with well over 35 million visitors per month. In addition to his blog, Simon’s writing has been featured on Yahoo! Finance, Business Insider, NBC News, Entrepreneur Magazine, and The Huffington Post.

Everything you ever needed to know is waiting in the space between your thoughts. Simon Boylan
Without awareness there is no freedom. Awareness is vital for any possibility of free choice. Simon Boylan
Beneath the cacophony of sound generated by our world lies the quiet whisper of universal intelligence. Allow it to be heard... Simon Boylan
All great religions hold the power to enslave & the power to enlighten... Simon Boylan
Every interaction presents an opportunity for growth, one of the keys to our limitless potential. Simon Boylan
As long as we still draw breath, we each have the power to bring change into the world. Simon Boylan
We are both a student and a teacher from birth. How eagerly we embrace these roles determines how fulfilled we are with our lives. Simon Boylan
Ignore your pain at your peril. Your most potent lessons are often wrapped within its uncomfortable embrace... Simon Boylan
Fully experiencing the connection that exists between us all is the secret to true contentment. Simon Boylan